Taking the Easy Way Out: Simple Crusty White Bread

By Jeannette Ordas of Everybody likes Sandwiches

Making bread shouldn't be as complicated as it seems. It should be something that anyone can make, regardless of baking skill. That's why I like this recipe from the New York Times from Jeff Zertzberg and Zoe Francois. 

Maybe you've already made the artisan loaf known famously as No-Knead Bread, but this one is different. It's less time consuming - in 3 hours, from mixing to baking, you can have freshly baked bread. There's no waiting overnight and luckily there's no kneading either. I should mention that I like the No-Knead bread better - it's got a more artisanal quality. The crumb and flavour is a bit more pronounced and the crust is really wonderful. But this bread is no slouch either. I mean, look at it!


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