Icy Quick: Cherry Chocolate Coconut Frozen Yogurt

By Jeannette Ordas of Everybody likes Sandwiches

I've been very happy to count the number of kitchen appliances I've got on one hand. I really believed that my Kitchen Aid mixer in a lovely pistachio green shade (a fantastic wedding present) and my vintage beehive Oster blender that I bought for $4 at a thrift store were my only kitchen "must haves". But then a food processor entered into my life by way of Christmas, and then an ice cream maker was purchased at a garage sale.

This ice cream maker has me smitten. I mean who doesn't love ice cream at a moment's notice? Well, that can be dangerous. But when you can whip up some frozen yogurt in 20 minutes flat, life does seem to get more interesting.

I use greek yogurt because it's so thick and creamy – though if you have regular yogurt, I imagine you could just skip the added buttermilk. I used my favorite coconut yogurt which is sweetened, but if you're using a plain unsweetened kind, add in some honey and taste it until it's at the sweetness you prefer.

The good stuff comes from the tasty mix-ins: freshly toasted coconut, chocolate chips roughly chopped because the texture is way better that way (trust me) and some chopped frozen cherries I had from last summer.

This is best eaten up right away. Leftovers can be frozen, but in order to eat it you'd have to pick at it with a knife to pull out the frozen chunks with your fingers. Or you could just pour the mixture into popsicle molds and eat it that way. You know, options.

Cherry Chocolate Coconut Frozen Yogurt
1 container of coconut or vanilla greek yogurt
1/3 cup buttermilk
2 tablespoon toasted coconut
2 tablespoon chocolate chips, chopped
1/4 cup frozen cherries, chopped

Mix together the yogurt and buttermilk and then add the mixture to your ice cream maker and process for 15 minutes. Add in the remaining ingredients and process for another five minutes. When it's all combined and the texture looks good, stop mixer and serve immediately.

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