Math Journal Sundays - Probability

OK - this is a quick one today.  I want to spend the day with my family, and frankly, I'm not feeling that great - I have strep throat.  Yep, stayed healthy almost the whole school year, and now, with two weeks to go, I get strep throat.

We're trying to squeeze in probability before the end of the year.  My math journal from this week may not be the most original, but it was a great review for fractions, and a great way to activate their prior knowledge for probability.

I started out with the learning goal and task, which each student had to copy into their notebooks.  I also gave each student a circle, brad fastener, and paper clip to make the spinner.  They could consult with a partner, but each student was responsible for creating the spinner independently.

The students knew they had to divide the circle into ten sections, and they knew a circle has 360 degrees, so they used a protractor to divide the circle into ten 36 degree sections (great way to integrate all the strands we study).

The spinner is glued into the notebooks, but the paper clip was stretched out and hooked around the brad fastener so it is able to spin.

This was the same student's left-side thinking.  She rewrote the learning goal in her own words, and completed the "What I Know", "What I Learned", and "Proof" sections on her own.  For her reflection she used the spinner she created above, and actually carried out the experiment so she could compare the experimental and theoretical probability of the spinner.  LOVE it!!!

Happy Sunday, Happy Father's Day, and Happy 10 days left for me!!!

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