My friend Tamara from
Teaching with TLC posted about the coolest math activity - as soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted to try it with my kids today. I remember doing these spiralgraphs when I was little, and I knew my students would enjoy it ... plus, it kept them busy and engaged for almost 45 minutes today - (and that's no trick!). We've been practicing skip counting with our multiplication facts (and we just finished our patterning unit), so it wasn't even a stretch to include it into our math activities today. You can download a template and instructions for the activity by visiting Teaching with TLC through the link at the beginning of this post (tell her I said 'hi!'). When we finished our spiralgraphs we added a little spider to complete the spiderweb effect.

I even managed to get them up on a bulletin board display during a few quiet moments at recess (and believe me, those were the ONLY quiet moments today). ;)
Happy Halloween!!! Hope you all survived the crazy day ... and the next few days to come. Is it Friday yet??? My little trick-or-treaters are out with Daddy right now, and I'm enjoying one one-too-many chocolate bars while handing out the candy. ;)