A New Set of Cootie Catchers

I've just finished another set of cootie catchers - these ones are for reviewing money concepts.  I'm still trying to build all my math centers for next year, and I'm planning to include a set of cootie catchers in each tub.  I also haven't taught money yet this year.  My grade 5/6 students should come to me with a good understanding of money, so I was looking for a quick way to review this with them before our testing.
This set includes 10 different cootie catchers:  
  • 3 for finding the value of coin combinations
  • 2 for rounding to the nearest dollar
  • 2 for making values with a given number of coins, and
  • 3 for making change (change from a quarter, change from $1.00, and change from $5.00.
The set is available for sale at both my TPT and TN store for $3.00. 

 This set has pictures of Canadian coins.  See it at my TPT store or my TN store by clicking on the store links.
This set has pictures of American coins.  See it at my TPT store or my TN store by clicking on the store links.

AND ... just because I like you ALL so much ... the first three to leave a comment with their email will get a FREE copy (let me know if you'd prefer the American or the Canadian version).

Happy Thursday!!!

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