Go, Max, goooooooooooooo

Here's Max burning rubber on his new tractor, which was recommended to us by his physical therapist at school.

Steering is a new skill for Max, and he's gotten a lot better at it even in the course of a week. (Nobody get their panties in a twist, I got the helmet on him right after I shot the video.)

I am amazed by the sight of this. It put me on a high all weekend; I kept thinking, "Max is steering! Max is steering!" and "Maybe now he can learn to drive himself to therapy!" Ha, ha.

It's not just that steering shows he's getting better with arm-muscle control—it's another step toward independence.

When Max was little-little, there were a lot more accomplishments—big and small—to celebrate. As he's gotten older, the accomplishments are more spaced apart, but they tend to be pretty significant and awe-inspiring.

Max. Is. Speed.

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