The scene of the crime. The crime: Buying our kids too many damn toys!
With the holidays coming, and Max's birthday next month, and the fact that I just wasted a half hour of my life matching up scattered Polly Pocket pieces (a phenomenon known as COCD—Cleanup Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), I have toys on the brain. Like most kids, mine have way too many. I think this is because, in part, the minute a therapist recommends something to us, we rush to buy it. We overcompensate, as if getting Max therapeutic and educational toys will make his brain all better.
So, of course, I asked his therapists which toys they think he'd enjoy, and they had some great suggestions.

The Aquadoodle Wall Mat: Good for hand-eye coordination and getting kids to lift their arms. Maybe I should get Max into modeling, he's just as cute as this kid. Could be helpful for supporting my toy-shopping habit.

Parents My First Remote Control Car: For fine-motor control. Rumor has it that it's one of Max's favorite toys at school.

Hullabaloo: It encourages communication and teaches colors, shapes and words.
Catch N Stick Mitts: Good for coordination and strength training. Hey, Sabrina's even cuter than this little girl! She could be a child model, too!
A shout out to Therapro's Whistle Kit, which we recently got. It's a bag of whistles of all shapes and sizes to inspire blowing (breath control is critical for speech). It's just plain cool for any kid and is a good deal, to boot.

So, let's just ignore materialism and the economy and obsess about what we're getting our kids for the holidays. What's on your list?