Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-Up: reader's digest 2.0
It's the Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-Up, a handy excuse for hiding from your family and catching up on reading.
The idea
Link to a favorite post of the week—yours or someone else's. Note: A few people have had trouble posting using Internet Explorer. Try a different browser!
What to do
Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of the blog followed by the title of the post (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).
Like this: Love That Max: Can we celebrate my birthday every day?
Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.
Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts.
Happy linking!