Friday Art Feature ... On Thursday

I'm posting my Friday Art Feature a day early this week because I have a special tribute post planned for tomorrow.

We've had a crazy busy week - PLC (professional learning community) meeting on Tuesday, end of the month assembly, dance lessons three days this week, school dance "recital" performance today, DRA testing all week,  and PD day tomorrow.  And somewhere in the midst of all that, I had to squeeze in some teaching time ... YIKES!!!  To top it all off, Monday we have a slew of principals visiting our school for a walk-through.  I want to spend my PD day working on my report cards tomorrow, but I have a feeling I'll be cleaning, posting more learning goals, cleaning, posting more success criteria, cleaning ... you get the picture.  :(

Anyway, we've been working on a fun two-point perspective art lesson this week.  I needed something that would keep the students occupied independently for various periods of time through the week so I could finish the oral part of the DRA testing with my students.  This activity was PERFECT!

We started off by taping a piece of paper to the desks, and drawing two dots on the desks about 2 inches from the middle of the page on each side.  We then drew the main vertical line part way down the middle of the page.  From there, we drew the main perspective lines - the ones to represent the tops and bottoms of the buildings, the sidewalk, and the road.  The students could then add vertical lines to represent as many buildings as they wanted.  I showed them how to add a few more features (like doors, windows, signs, etc.), and let them go to it.  It's important to stress to them that all vertical lines must go straight up and down, and all horizontal lines go to the perspective points.  My students got the hang of this quite quickly, and although not all of them have finished yet, I do have a few to share with you today.

One last thing ... I'm not sure how many Ontario followers I have, but for those that are, I have a question for you.  Are you required to post your learning goal for every lesson?  We are.  I find myself quickly typing up the goal, or writing it down on chart paper at the beginning of every lesson ... and I'm going through SO much paper.  I've been seeing sets of the Common Core standards  made by my American blogging friends, so I decided to make up a set using the Ontario curriculum.  I just finished the language set for grade 6 earlier today.  I plan to attach some page protectors to my blackboard and slip in a new learning goal for each lesson.  I'll post some pictures when I get it all set up - hopefully by Monday (want to have it in place before our big walk-through).  Here is an example of what the learning goals will look like:
I'm going to post them to my TPT store when I get them all finished - still have math, science, and social studies to go.  I don't think I'm going to make them up for the other subjects.  I plan to make up sets for grades 4 - 8.  What do you think?  

Happy Thursday!!!  (and happy PD day to me tomorrow - no kids at school, no kids to take care of at home ... it's as close to a day off as I get!!!).

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