We're currently studying place value in math, and we've added two more foldables to our math journals.
This foldable isn't really a foldable ... but it's certainly interactive. We actually made two of these - one went from ones to hundred thousands, and this one went from thousandths to hundreds. We made the pockets and glued them to our journal. Then we made a set of number cards (0-9). I had the students work in pairs - one student would say a number, and then the other student would build the number with their pocket chart. I've also used this as a whole group activity where I read out a number, the students build it, then hold their notebooks up for me to see. This way I can quickly assess who gets it, and who needs a little more practice.
We also made some candy corn number forms. I got this idea from a picture on pinterest and followed it back to Katie Lately. Such a cute idea. We made one together, and then I had the students complete the second one on their own. I LOVE how they turned out. Quick, easy, and quite effective.
I actually have two other foldables planned for this unit, that I had hoped to get done last week ... but the good news is, I don't have to plan new ones for this week. ;)
Now, it's back to the Oreo bars I'm making ... yummy!
Happy Sunday!!!