Do not read this blog tomorrow

The other week, I went out with a group of moms. All of us have kids with special needs. A woman who reads this blog, Beth, had organized the night and invited me (hi, Beth!). I hadn't done anything like that since Max was a baby and Dave and I attended a support group at a place where Max got therapy. I found it depressing; I found everything depressing back then. Dave found it boring. We never went back.

My special girls' night out was anything but blah. Over pizza and pasta the ten of us laughed, griped, exchanged information on everything from apps to therapy, griped and laughed lots more. It was an exhilarating, rejuvenating, reaffirming, everything-ing evening. The next one's in a few weeks, and I am psyched.

I've found such incredible group therapy online that I've never reconsidered how amazing the real-life kind can be. It is. Whatever you get from blogs and websites can't compare to the bonding you do when you're face to face with other moms of kids with special needs. It just can't.

So here's what I'm asking: Tomorrow, instead of reading this blog, pick up the phone and start planning a get-together with special needs moms you know (unless you read this blog at 5 in the morning, in which case, wait to call). Or send an email. If you don't know moms in your area, ask one of your child's therapists to play matchmaker. Or hook up with some parents in your child's class. I am telling you, it will be worth the effort. Any of you moms who already do this and love it, chime in!

Word, I'll know if people visit this blog tomorrow instead of making that call or sending that email because I have a traffic meter! Other than random Google hits for things like "purple" and "car wash costume," I am not expecting any of you here.

Go. Hang with other special needs parents. Please.

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