If my child didn't have special needs

If my child didn't have special needs, I wouldn't have the extreme appreciation I do for his accomplishments. I relish each and every mini milestone, right along with the mega ones.

If my child didn't have special needs, I wouldn't be an expert in occupational, physical and speech therapy. Anyone care to open a practice with me?

If my child didn't have special needs, he might not have the fixations I adore. Purple! Spaghetti! Car washes!

If my child didn't have special needs, a lot more stuff in life would probably faze me. Basement flooding, post-baby belly flab, credit card theft, fender benders—come what may, I can deal. Um, OK, except for the post-baby belly flab. That's just plain tragic.

If my child didn't have special needs, I would have never understood just how non-different kids with special needs can be.

If my child didn't have special needs, we'd have to wait on the lines at Disney. Membership has its privileges!

If my child didn't have special needs, I'd have never known just how much of a devoted dad my husband could be. I might not have seen the extent of his patience or the depths of his love and nurturing.

If my child didn't have special needs, I would be six feet tall, slim and blond.

If my child didn't have special needs, I wouldn't have a bazillion medical appointments to juggle and perhaps, with all that extra time on my hands, I could have found a resolution for world peace. As it turns out, though, I am really good at juggling bazillions of medical appointments. Phenomenal, actually. Like, I am a human app.

If my child didn't have special needs, I probably wouldn't get why a parent of a child with special needs wouldn't want to trade their child for another. But I have a child with special needs. And I can't imagine any other child except him.

Your turn: What if your child didn't have special needs?

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