Hello, peoples. I'm in Nashville, sucked into the Blissdom Conference, so I'm sharing a relevant favorite post from the past.
Top 10 Hazards Of Being A Mom Blogger
1. Being called a "mom blogger."
2. Husband thinks you are neglecting him and the kids and makes remarks like "Enough with that blog thing already!"
3. You look at everything in terms of post potential—house catastrophes, male pattern baldness, dead hamsters.
4. Heart palpitations and sweaty palms when you can't come up with an idea for a post.
5. Kids? What kids?
6. Mother-in-law finds out you make jokes about her on the blog and wigs out. Dang! She knows how to read blogs?
7. Friends refuse to tell you things for fear they will turn up online. As if you would EVER tell that Fran is cheating on her husband!!!!!!
8. You pour your heart out in a post and get two comments. And one of them is from your mother-in-law. And she's mad.
9. Potential defamation suits from the kids down the road.
10. You tell me!