Dispatches From Sweden by Fine Little Day

Contributor post by Elisabeth Dunker of Fine Little Day

"A great pleasure when I'm abroad is to visit supermarkets. Actually it can be the highlight the whole trip in my opinion. The best ones are those who have a genuine local range, with odd, exciting packaging. Extra interesting is to check out how the candy looks. I do get happy when I find nice looking candy like these cute crocodiles, which I found when I was in Vietnam a couple of years ago.

Here at Poppytalk I will to start with, blog about good looking candy and packaging that you can find in Swedish stores. Not necessarily all Swedish but what I associate with Sweden.

Between age 4-10 I lived in the same house as a Kiosk in Sandviken where I grew up. I remember how I dreamt of having my own candy kiosk and what kind of candy I would keep in there. If I would get my own candy store today I would pick the candy range primary with my eyes, and here is some of what I would choose.

The licorice pipe "Skipper´s pipe", a classic from Leaf.
Malaco All Sorts from Malaco.
Foam animals from Grahns Konfektyr.
Licorice cats from Bubs.
Chocolate pretzels and ice cream cones from Ert godis.
Salta Katten (The salty cat), also a classics, from Fazer.

Next time, more candy :)

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