Calling all Peasants! Colcannon with Brussels Sprouts

By Jeannette Ordas of Everybody likes Sandwiches

It's been a busy couple of weeks and I've been spending my meals eating cereal or ordering in take-out. Now that all the craft fair hoopla is over, I can now really get into the holiday rush. But first things first. I needed to make sure that I had a hot bowl of comfort in my belly before I start anything new.

The problem with doing a ton of craft fairs is that things get neglected. Like grocery shopping. My fridge was looking rather empty but I spied some potatoes and brussels sprouts and decided that I'd tackle the very comforting winter dish of colcannon. It's a classic Irish dish that is often served alongside corned beef or stew, and typically is a mash of potatoes and cabbage. It's good rustic, peasant food and certainly isn't anything fancy. But it's hearty and nothing is more comforting than a great big bowl of mashed potatoes. Throw in some greens and it becomes good for the body and the soul.

I like a good ratio between the potatoes and brussels sprouts - but if you want to add in more potatoes to tip the balance, by all means go ahead. I also like to keep the skin of my potatoes on because I love the texture and the extra nutrients aren't bad either. I added in some light cream cheese because I had some on hand, but the potatoes are fine without. And if you want to make this a vegan dish, sub in your favourite non-dairy milk and margarine & skip the cream cheese, obviously.

Colcannon with Brussels Sprouts
5 large potatoes, scrubbed & diced
1/2 pound brussels sprouts, rinsed & outer leaves removed
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
1 small onion, thinly sliced
2 small hot peppers (optional)
salt & pepper
1/3 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons cream cheese (evil option)

Boil water in a large pot and add in cubed potatoes. Boil until done, about 15 minutes. Drain and cover.

Thinly slice brussles sprouts and steam in salted water for about 8-10 minutes. Drain.

In a large skillet, heat olive oil and butter together and add in the onion slices. Cook and let caramelize over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes until slightly brown and fragrant. Add in the shredded brussels sprouts and chilies if using and toss about for a few minutes and then add in the milk.

Mash the potatoes with 1 tablespoon of butter and cream cheese if using. Add to the onion/brussels sprouts mixture. Give everything a stir until combined. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

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