As plans turn to summer holidays, camping and the great outdoors we thought it would be fun to gather together some of our favourite camping gear online. From the top: Bell Tent, Pedlars; Folding Metal Table, Pedlars; Exped Downmat Sleeping Pad, REI; Badge Blanket, Cath Kidston; Wicker Picnic Basket, Not On The Hight Street; Wooden Postcards, Curiosity Shoppe; Decomposition Notebook, Curiosity Shoppe; Below: T@DA Camper (Caravan).
From top right: Camping stool, Daily Memorandum; Best Made Camp Axe, Best Made Company; Dutch Oven, Snow Peak; Coffee Percolator, Snow Peak; Keith Tyson Deck Chair, Artware Editions; Sleeping Bag, Pedlars. Below: Broadstone Popup Tent, (you have to check out their video) from Canadian Tire.