Shop Name: handmade:modern
Website(s): elizabethrosemond.etsy.com
Blog: elizabethrosemond.typepad.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 13
Location: Long Beach, CA, United States
* humunuku

Website(s): humunuku.etsy.com & www.alanakdavis.com
Blog: alanakdavis.blogspot.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 35
Location: Upstate New York United States
* idathue

Shop Name: idathue
Website(s): idathue.bigcartel.com/
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 38
Location: California
* igloo press

Shop Name: Igloo Letterpress
Website(s): iglooletterpress.com
Blog: iglooletterpress.wordpress.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No.41
ocation: Worthington, Ohio, USA
National Stationery Show Booth No.1550
* inkadinkadoodle

Shop Name: Inkadinkadoodle
Website(s): inkadinkadoodle.net
Shop etsy.com/shop/inkadinkadoodle
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 42
Location: Waupaca, Wisconsin United States
* it's time for tea

Shop Name: It's Time For Tea
Website(s): etsy.com/shop/itistimefortea
Blog: itstimefortea.wordpress.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 14
Location: Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England
* jengs shop

Shop Name: Jengs Shop
Website(s): jengsshop.com and jengsshop.etsy.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 74
Location: New York, USA
* jonesy

Shop Name: Jonesy Charismatic Stationery
Website(s): jonesy.ca
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 130
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
National Stationery Show Booth No. walking the show!, meeting with people :)
* k is for calligraphy

Shop Name: K is for Calligraphy
Website(s): KisforCalligraphy.etsy.com
Blog: kisforcalligraphy.blogspot.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 079
Location: Bay Area, California
* lady bear crafts

Shop Name: Lady Bear Crafts
Website(s): ladybearcrafts.etsy.com
Blog: ladybearcrafts.com
Poppytalk Handmade Table No.: 46
Location: Lebanon, Ohio, USA
* la familia green

Shop Name: la familia green
Website(s): lafamiliagreen.com/cart/
Poppytalk Handmade Table No. 1