Does it ever occur to you, as you're watching your children doing something particularly adorable, that you'd better enjoy their kidliciousness now because soon it will be gone? I had one of those moments last night. I wasn't feeling great (thank you, strep throat), but then Max came out of the bath and inexplicably wanted to wear Sabrina's pajamas. Not just any pj's—her tiered pink Dora nightgown. Who was I to stop him from cross-dressing?

Then Sabrina, not to be outdone, wanted to wear Max's pajamas.
Then both kids just sort of rolled around and giggled and acted silly, and the whole time I was thinking, Wow. That is just too much cuteness in one room.
I don't take these moments of child bliss for granted. I've written before about how early on in Max's life, I was so consumed by accepting he had issues, dealing with his issues and freaking about his future that I couldn't enjoy the yummy baby that he was. I still worry (news flash), but I'm truly able to enjoy his cuteness.
Whatever challenges our kids have, they are not the least bit cuteness challenged. Especially when they are wearing their sister's tiered pink Dora nightgown.
OK, gush: What's the last cute thing your kids did that made you all melt-y?
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