So, about the mysterious bones they discovered in my new next-door neighbor's backyard: The sweet, elderly guy dropped by last night to tell us that the police tested them and they were "animal" bones. OK, then. No ax murderer of human beings lived next door to me, let me set the record straight. Why animal bones were there, who knows.
In other news, I am thinking of taking the drastic step of hiding all the DVDs in our home and telling the kids something like "The DVD fairy has taken them back until you're 25." On weekends, they glue themselves to the screen any chance they can get. It's gotten so bad that if they were watching a movie and I said, "HEY, KIDS, YOU CAN HAVE CHOCOLATE PUDDING AND CANDY FOR DINNER! AND I WILL BUY YOU EVERY SINGLE TOY IN TOYS 'R US TODAY! AND YOU CAN GO ROLL OUTSIDE NAKED IN THE SNOW, JUST FOR FUN!!!" they would not hear a single word I said, they have become such DVD zombies.
I think the occasional video is fine, but too much just cannot be good for their brains. Especially Max's. He is six years old, but cognitively he's significantly younger. He (and Sabrina) would be much better off reading or playing. I've heard of families that don't let their kids watch any TV or videos. I used to think that was extreme, but now I get the point.
If you have a toddler and you didn't hear about this study on how videos like "Baby Einstein" aren't necessarily good for tots, check it out. I know that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours of screen time a day but on weekends, our kids' TV consumption can be double that. And that's not counting computer and Wii games.
I just Googled and found a great book, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV. Ordered! I also got The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Chores because Sabrina has a bit of a "No, you pick it up!" 'tude. Sadly, there was no The Berenstain Bears and Husbands Who Do Not Take The Time To Fix Broken Things book. Dave!
What's your policy about your kids and TV/videos? And if you have any tips to share about weaning them off it, please share.