I love looking at other people's homes. I've been known to drag Dave along to open houses in our area. And I'm always happy to drive around at night, prime-time for peeking. I'm not interested in what people are doing; I just like seeing how they've decorated.
My favorite room in our home, a 1910 colonial, is the dining area. The previous owners expanded the kitchen, did a cathedral ceiling and painted it this cheery red. Hey, I bought the light fixture! (And, yeah, I cleaned up the clutter before I shot this.) The winter when Max was born, I sat in this room for hours on end, looking out at the snow-covered golf course. I'd cuddle Max, sing to him and tell him he was going to be OK as the sun streamed in and warmed us up. Sitting here is still calming, even if Max is banging a truck on the table and Sabrina is doing laps around it and screaming "I'M PRINCESS ARIEL!!!"
So, welcome to my first blog-post party (I believe this is officially known as a "meme," but I'm not that blog-y). Which room in your house makes you most happy? Put up a photo of it on your blog, explain why you love it and link back to this post. Then fill in the form below. Can't wait to see your spaces!