Lush Bella
Poppytalk Handmade: Table 102
Where in your home/apartment/city is your studio located?
my studio is a spare upstairs bedroom.
What equipment/tools do you use?
camera, scissors, pliers, and a needle & thread
Do you have an inspiration board, and can you tell us what is inspiring you now?
see images below:
How do you create best (e.g. do you listen to music while you create and if so what?)
i create best when it's absolutely quiet and there are no interruptions. but occasionally, i'll listen to music on my ipod or pandora.
List (3) of your favorite artists
there are way more than 3, but these were top-of-mind...
susie macmurray
lyndie dourthe
and louise paramour -couldn't find a website for her, but see image directly below - it is a screen grab of an installation view. she does these gigantic honeycomb paper cutouts that appeal to my love of the baroque.
If yours isn't, what would be your perfect studio?
nothing is ever perfect, and that's okay. i've learned to live and create wherever i am, though if i could add more table space and shelves, i wouldn't have to clean up so often and could find what i'm looking for.
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