Thanks Poppytalk readers for a great week of gallery and store exploring in Portland, Oregon. My last store for this week is one that is only 104 steps from my front door. (I counted...honest!)
SMUT: The name isn't dirty! I swear! It stands for So Many Unique Treasures...see??!?
SMUT (So Many Unique Treasures) is a tiny vintage store filled with well organized and carefully curated collections. The staff is always super friendly. I have been in a lot of vintage stores and I can safely say this ranks amongst the best.
Shopping for swank boots? SMUT has you covered. Well, your feet, at least.
SMUT is filled with bins of like minded items. Patches! Buttons! Scarves! Gloves! Pictures! Records! Magazines! OMG!
This is actually pretty amazing...unopened packs of collector's cards from the 80s and 90s. I can't wait to try the gum. Wait. Yes I can.
Did I mention that the people who work here are AMAZINGLY friendly? Well, they are.
I am getting back to my roots today with these photos - some of my very first photo series involved thrift stores, yard sales, vintages stores and second hand items from all walks of life. I haven't shot anything remotely similar to this subject matter in many years, so it was pretty fun to have a reason for shooting this way again.
Piles of color and piles of similar multiples of second hand items have always been high up on my inspiration list.
They have a great selection of vintage hardware. KNOBS! KNOBS! KNOBS!
Oh and check out the two trophies that I picked up. Talk about an instant self esteem boost. I win!
Daily Purchase Drawing for September 12th, 2008
Please check out the photo slideshow below! Go SMUT Go! Thanks again for having me over this week Poppytalk!
Editors Note: A HUGE thank you to Kate for this week's Special Guest posts! We were thrilled to have her! On a future note, Kate will be speaking at the 2009 How Design Conference in Austin about Craftism next June for those lucky enough to be attending.
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