I was so amazed at the response yesterday to my post on my new flickr group, The Art of the Display, that I've decided to make a "The Art of the Display of the Day" till we run out (which I hope is never). And so the first one (which if you've noticed is actually three) and turned into a whole other being in itself because I was so enthralled with link after link to this site. It's the walls of Jane Schouten of the Netherlands and her site, All the Luck in the World. It turns out I've seen Jane's work before (and so have you probably) on Design Sponge for her lovely doily bowl tutorial and patchwork chair we saw this spring. It also turns out she has an awesome vintage and handmade restyled shop. So included in this post are a few items to swoon over. The above shelf is € 22.50 and the dresser just below that is also for sale for € 85.
"the art of the display" of the day
I was so amazed at the response yesterday to my post on my new flickr group, The Art of the Display, that I've decided to make a "The Art of the Display of the Day" till we run out (which I hope is never). And so the first one (which if you've noticed is actually three) and turned into a whole other being in itself because I was so enthralled with link after link to this site. It's the walls of Jane Schouten of the Netherlands and her site, All the Luck in the World. It turns out I've seen Jane's work before (and so have you probably) on Design Sponge for her lovely doily bowl tutorial and patchwork chair we saw this spring. It also turns out she has an awesome vintage and handmade restyled shop. So included in this post are a few items to swoon over. The above shelf is € 22.50 and the dresser just below that is also for sale for € 85.