We all know inspiration comes and goes as it wishes. While watching the gorgeous work of others is inspiring, sometimes it’s not enough. Working as a full time artist can take the fun out of art, so don’t forget to relax and try new things yourself. Have fun and keep your mind busy while doing it!
I know this is nothing new under the sun, but just in case someone has managed to miss Keri Smith’s website: GO, see, read and do it! There’s always something that’ll shatter your creative block. Read Wish Jar or start 100 ideas. PLAY. There’s no shout out loud enough in this case!
89. Write about or draw some of the doors in your life (100.ideas)
I have no idea where this door leads to. I walk past it every day and I like it very much. I took a lot of photos of it while making my Turku post for Poppytalk. I’m not going to draw, because I get all anxious about my drawing skills in front of so many readers. But this door, it’s one of the biggest and most fascinating doors I’ve noticed so far. I don’t look at doors often enough. How about you?
If you don’t feel like playing by the rules of others, start something new that suits your needs. If it’s fun, invite others to join you! When I started my new job in April I was too busy to make books regularly, so I decided to decorate a matchbox a day until I had enough time and energy to return to my routines. Sixteen days worth of matchboxes can be now seen here. I experimented with materials, used my precious paper and fabric scraps and tiny treasures I had found (all these things could be considered as trash by some inconsiderate people). Maybe give it a try, even just for three days or a week!
What inspires you? What kind of artsy things do you do just for fun and to keep you going? Will you share if I say please? Please :)
My week as Poppytalk’s Special Guest has flown by and it couldn’t have been any more fun! Thank you for having me!
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Editor's Note: Thank you Kaija for a fun week as our first special guest! We really enjoyed having you and seeing things from your side of the world!