Artist: Aline Yamada
Poppytalk Handmade: Table 93
Shop Name: Yumi Yumi
Location: Columbus, OH
The first image (above)
These prints are all displayed above my son's dresser in his room. From left to right, they include "Tastee treats" by Little Friends of Printmaking, "The Garbage Tree" print by Daria Tessler. and my own I can count to Eight. I use little bulldog clips for the Tastee Treats print and an Ikea Ribba frame for the I can count to Eight print. The Garbage Tree print I still haven't gotten a frame for since I just got this past week. Also the plush monster is from and the bunny from lookwhaticando.
The second image-
These pieces are in our living room on a shelf my husband built from an old waterbed frame. The little wax head is from an Anne Hamilton piece we got from a good friend who worked for her. The little painting is from Bloodle, the framed print is by Yellena
The third image -
This is a silkscreen/collage piece done by Brandy Grogin and hung with bulldog clips in our upstairs hallway.
The fourth image-
This is a multi plate intaglio print titled "Disinter" by my husband, Jason Chambers, framed by two pieces of plexiglass and hardware that hangs by our front door.