Cyber Monday Pin It to Win It WINNERS

I have my two winners for my Cyber Monday Pin It to Win It contest!  I used the random number generator to choose 2 winners from the comments in my last post.

The winners are .... (drumroll)

We have been using your interactive math journals and have LOVED them. I'm excited to use the ideas and resources in your "Reading Comprehension Strategy Resource Binder!" Thanks!

All of your products are inspired! Here is the one that I am wishing for now!

Congratulations, Meredith and Loren!  You both won a copy of my Reading Comprehension Strategy binder and a $25.00 gift certificate!  Please leave me a comment below with your email address so I can send you your prize!

If I don't hear from a winner within 24 hours, I will choose a new winner.  Be sure to follow my facebook page for the announcement.

Happy Sunday evening!  It was a great day - theatre date with my three little girls, hubby made supper, Walking Dead on TV (still in shock), and a roaring fire in the fireplace.  Life is good.  :) 

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