Weekend Almanac is a recently launched perfect-bound almanac about all the fun, creative things people do on their days off. Curated by editor Lauren Ladoceour and creative director Ali Zeigler both of the San Francisco Bay area, Lauren told us the premise behind the magazine,
"We like to think that life happens on the weekend, and we tried to pack it all in (dinner parties, road trips down California's coast, hangover cures, DIY projects) inside our pages."
The ad-free almanac is based in San Francisco and is available to buy at their online store, as well as a growing list of shops across the U.S.
A little bit about them: Ali Zeigler is a creative director from the book and magazine world (Weldon Owen, Yoga Journal, Guitar Player), and Lauren Ladoceour is a writer and editor (7x7, San Francisco magazine, Yoga Journal, The Hunt San Francisco).
How to get it.
And here's a sneak peek: