Summer Tunes Guest Post | Nada + Friends With Both Arms + Mix

Hello! My name is Nada and I guess I would describe myself as an art + music evangelist which pretty much means I love sharing cool stuff I find and I support artists of all kinds. I work for Etsy Canada where I'm consistently blown away by the artists I get to work with, and I also run a music blog called Friends With Both Arms that has just turned four this week. (That is pretty old in blog years) I met Jan while I was in Vancouver recently and she invited me to put together a mix for you, (no pressure, whatsoever). I have been making mixes for as long as I can remember, I think it's got to do with hoping that the person on the other end will get the same feeling you do while listening to the same song. Mixes are also like diaries because they're an easy way for me to remember what I was doing and what I was into at any point in time, otherwise I have a terrible memory. I'm a huge fan of Poppytalk so I can only assume that Poppytalk readers are the coolest folks on the planet; so I humbly present to you: a summer mix of sorts. Enjoy!

Oh, and if you like more, you can subscribe to my monthly mixtape club. One email a month!

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