Why We All Need FamilyShare.com

I'm a mom of two in my late twenties and constantly wonder where the time has gone. I forget I'm not 22 anymore and for some reason think of myself in that age group when asked to check which age box I fall under. It's all very confusing.

From the time I was 22 until now I've experience all kinds of ups, downs, and in betweens. I picture a timeline with one year on the left side, the current year on the right, and a whole bunch of little notches in the middle representing different events, great or small. My life is that timeline and it's covered in all kinds of little notches. A lot of them have completely blurred together and are starting to fade from memory.

What in the world does this all have to do with FamilyShare.com, you ask? The answer: I wish there was a site like this around when I was adding all those notches to my timeline.

FamilyShare.com is a site dedicated to give us the tools to strengthen our families and our lives. It's a place of motivation and strength during the good times and the bad. I don't know how many times through my life I've experienced something and tried to look somewhere for something that I could relate to. The internet has all kinds of articles and write ups that I could read all day long. But nothing compares to the ease and comfort of reading on FamilyShare.com. The stories and articles come from real people who are just like me. And there always seems to be someone who is going through the same thing I am and it helps so much to read how they feel.

Some of the specifics I love about FamilyShare.com
  1. Groups. You can join groups of all kinds within so many categories. And most recently my favorite group I've joined is a group about potty training. I was so excited to see this group!! Lately I need all the help I can get with potty training my 3 year old and I've really loved all the tips and advice I've gotten from these parents.
  2. Stories. The first time I browsed through the Stories section I kept thinking, This would be so great in a church lesson. I feel a connection with the authors of these stories just by reading the titles! I love it. It's easy access to inspiration and stories of faith and hope. There are many that give me a good laugh as well as teach me life lessons. 

I love the crisp, clean look of FamilyShare.com and how well everything flows. It's so easy to navigate. The cateories on the left side are especially helpful and I can find what I'm looking for fast.

    After reading through all kinds of great articles, a couple of them especially caught my eye that I wanted to share with you! 

    Shocking that I would want to share something that had to do with food! I love this article and the many ideas given for traditions during the holidays. And there's a chocolate cake recipe at the bottom! Winner!

    Around here, it could be sunny and beautiful for two days then rainy and cold for four. I need all the help I can get for kids' games using stuff around my house! I love the ideas in this article and can't wait for the next rainy day to try them out.

    FamilyShare.com is really just amazing. I could sit at my computer and read and read all day on this site. I'm amazed at all the topics that are covered! That's what I love so much about it. It's such a great help to me as a young parent and someone who needs occasional help and uplifting. Join today! 

    (This is a sponsored post by FamilyShare.com. All opinions are 100% mine.)

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