DIY Birch Bark Nightlight

Contributor post by Chelsea of Lovely Indeed

I recently was gifted a little supply of birch bark, and it immediately got my brain working overtime on how to use this awesome material! I had never worked with it before so I thought simple would be best. And to me, birch bark has always been beautifully simple anyway. So after a little bit of daydreaming, I came up with this sweet, simple nightlight -- perfect for little ones and big ones, too! Gather your materials:

  • birch bark sheets (if you need a source, a quick Etsy search should turn up a few)
  • a plain nightlight (I found mine at a dollar store)
  • paper and pencil
  • scissors
  • gold spray paint
  • masking tape
  • firm foam 
  • strong adhesive
  • clamp

Begin by removing the shield from the nightlight and masking off the electrical portions. Also, cut a piece of foam to a 1/2-inch cube. (If you don't have foam, you can use any material that will create some space between the light and the birch bark.)
In a well-ventilated area, spray paint the nightlight and the foam gold.

Draw a heart on a sheet of paper and cut it out. I chose to draw freehand because I wanted a natural look, but you can also print out shapes from your computer. Trace the heart onto the back of the sheet of birch bark in a nice flat spot. Carefully cut it out with your scissors, being careful not to snap or bend the bark.

Spread a layer of adhesive on opposing sides of your foam cube and sandwich it between the heart and the nightlight. Use a clamp to hold the pieces together while they dry thoroughly.

Once they're dry, remove the clamp and test out your light! Put it in a spot where you need a little glowy love. Have fun!


Chelsea Costa is an actor and blogger living in Los Angeles. Her blog, Lovely Indeed, focuses on a DIY lifestyle and all of the happiness that comes along with it. Follow her on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram.

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