Friday Art Feature - Pastel Snowflakes

Oh my goodness - it's been a while.  Is it just me, or is everybody feeling a bit overwhelmed right now?  (Not that I'm wishing 'overwhelmed' on any of you ... just hoping I'm not the only one).  I've got some fun things to share, so I'm hoping to get in a few more blog posts before Christmas vacation.

Today I want to share our art from this week.  I saw this idea posted on facebook and thought it would be a fun quick project to take on.

I pulled up some pictures of snowflakes on google images.  After we studied the snowflakes, the students had to draw them using white oil pastels.  When they were done they painted over the paper using a watered-down paint mixture.  Note:  the paint didn't resist as much as I had hoped over the oil pastels - I think I should have added more water to the paint.  Some of the students went back over their snowflakes with the pastels to really make them stand out.

In keeping with our "poetry tied to art theme" this year, I had the students write a haiku on their art.  Beautiful, easy, and quite timely considering the snowfall we have had lately.  

Happy Friday!!!


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