I set the pan aside for a later cleanup, as the recipe required I keep moving with everything else. When dinner was done I decided to give that horrible burned saute pan a go. I filled it with water to begin the washing process, then I had a thought that led me to the simplest and quickest way I have EVER cleaned that nasty burned food off a pan:
- Fill the pan with water.
- Place the pan back on a heated burner and allow the water to come to a boil.
- Leave the water boiling for about 5 minutes (or longer, depending on how badly your pan is burned). Then take it off the stove top and use a scrub brush or a sponge to wipe the residue away. In my case, it came right off! Give it a try!
I'm curious if this works on all kinds of burned pan situations. If you happen to have your own experience with burning food in a pan and try this technique, let me know if it works for you! I'm not saying I'm excited to burn something again, but I look forward to trying this again if and when something else burns.
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