A happy ending to the toilet-training saga

Perhaps you read it on the front page of The New York Times, or heard the news on CNN: Max is toilet-trained. It's like things often go in Max's life—it may have taken him awhile to get there, but he did it.

Weekend Boot Camp training back in April was a good start, but Max still resisted going at home even though he regularly went at school. The hardest part of potty training was carving out the time—you basically need a repeated series of days at home, life centered around the toilet. And it is very Superstorm Sandy did the trick; we devoted ourselves to potty training while we were cooped up inside.

Max had a whole lot of accidents, but they've dwindled in the weeks that have followed. Now he regularly tells us when he has to go (no. 1 and no. 2!), whether we're at home or out running errands. He's loving his Cars potty seat. We're working on timing because he tends to let us know approximately a minute before he really needs to go, and he doesn't always make it. At night, he's still wearing Pull-ups.

He is sooooo proud of himself. Dave and I are even prouder. And seriously thankful, a major milestone close to Max's 10th birthday.

We took him to Toys 'R Us to check out the Cars 2 electric ride-on car we promised him when he aced toilet training, but he was too big for it. He had his eye on some ATV type vehicle that fits two kids, only we'd practically have to take out a car loan to get it. I'm pretty sure he'll find some other Cars 2 object of desire.

It's still a little hard to believe, so long have we waited for this.

It's another one of those times when I'd like to go back to those grim doctors at the NICU and say: See? Look at my boy now.


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