The so-called calm before the storm
• Cleared off the basement floor
• Put a bunch of stuff into the garage
• Raised up our washer and dryer onto tiles
• Bought five jugs water
• Bought lots of soup and other canned goods, along with vital provisions such as Pirate's Booty
• Stared warily up at branches of humongous oak tree that stands over driveway and wondered if any would fall
• Bought a few super-strong flashlights
• Bought Cars 2 flashlight for Max (perhaps the most critical supply of all)
• Bought batteries
• Called fire department to see if placing sandbags around the water heater might help prevent water from saturating it. Answer: not really. Also: nobody selling sandbags near us.
• Cooked up a bunch of frozen things, cause we'll probably lose power and they'll spoil
• Polished off as much ice-cream as we could
• Had small argument with SOMEONE who never got an estimate for a generator
• Snapped last fall photos on porch before it turned into a holy mess
• Took down the American flag from our back porch
• Stared warily up at humongous oak tree some more and sent it good vibes
• Stared at the water heater and sent it good vibes, too
• Called Mom to reassure her we'd be perfectly fine
• Filled our tub with water
• Lined up all our candles
• Promised kids that if we couldn't trick-or-treat Wednesday, we would another night
The calm before the storm? HA!!!
Hope any of you dealing with Hurricane Sandy stay safe.