Trick-or-Chex Treat

I love sweets. There's no beating around the bush with that one. And now that the holidays are nearing, all I want to do is make treats. But to be sure that I don't over do it on the treat making I have to make sure I have a reason to make them. Apparently "because I feel like it" isn't a good enough reason if I'm going to be making goodies every other day (or so my husband says). This last weekend I was able to spend the weekend with my siblings, parents, and my little nephews. It was so wonderful and we had a blast! (Minus the part where Mom had to go to the ER, but that's an entirely different story!)

The week before we were all given food assignments for different meals. I talked to my twin sister, mom, and sister-in-law from Idaho on speaker phone and we planned what we were going to eat. I love talking about food. Mom said for everyone to bring their assignments AS WELL AS TREATS AND SNACKS TO SHARE. Yes!!!! I was so excited to have a reason to bake and make all kinds of things. I offered to provide the dessert for Friday night (which was delicious Carmelitas) and then my mind went racing on about what I should make for the rest of the weekend. I thought about this delicious Chex cereal treat I love to eat at Christmas time and thought it would be so fun to come up with something similar for Halloween. On Friday morning I woke up and started having some serious fun in the kitchen coming up with this Trick-or-Chex Treat! And I wasn't at all surprised when it ended up being one of the favorite treats that weekend. This is such a fun treat to have during Halloween! I love the fun colors. And it tastes AWESOME! You can't go wrong with M&M's and candy corn!

Trick-or-Chex Treat
  • 1/2 c. karo syrup
  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1 stick of butter 
  • 1/2 box Corn Chex cereal
  • 1/4 box Golden Grahams cereal
  • 1/2 c. shredded coconut
  • 1 c. plain or peanut M&M's, Fall or Halloween colors
  • 1 c. candy corn

 Combine the karo syrup, sugar, and butter in a sauce pan. 
Bring it to a boil and let it boil for 2 minutes. 

 Combine both cereals in a large bowl. 
After allowing the sugar combination to boil for 2 minutes, pour it over the cereal and stir together.

Then pour the coconut, M&M's and candy corn into the bowl and stir them in. Let's be honest, I threw in another half cup of M&M's. You can add more of these goodies if you'd like, but keep in mind you don't want to add too much extra or they won't stick to the syrupy, cerealy goodness.

 Spread the treat over a greased cookie sheet to dry. This is also the part where it gets picked at like crazy because it's so finger-lickin' good!

Once it isn't sticky anymore, put the treat in a bowl to serve. If you don't plan on eating it right away, keep it covered with plastic wrap so it doesn't dry out.
(And good luck not eating it right away!)

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