I'll start with timing. I have a 100 minute literacy block, 5 days a week, which is lovely. I also integrate reading and writing into my content areas (1/2 hour daily).
I will admit, starting the Daily 5 and CAFE is taking a lot of my language block. But it is very important to model, model, and model to build that stamina and muscle memory. When the program is fully implemented (which I expect to happen within the month), it will take up about 55 minutes of my 100 minute literacy block, leaving me with 45 minutes daily to teach other units / writing genres not covered with the daily 5/cafe. Those 55 minutes when the students are engaged and comfortable with their routine will give me MORE time to meet with guided reading groups, confer with students independently, do a little small group intervention, etc. Being able to have more time to meet with smaller groups of students will only benefit these students so much more.
We then discuss our Daily 4 rotations (again, I am doing the Daily 4 in my classroom - Read to Self, Work on Writing, Word Work, and Listen to Reading {which is my read aloud}). In my room, we will always to Read to Self first - the main reason is that we've just reviewed the cafe strategy, and I want my students to work on applying that strategy to their independent reading. This week we've been working on discussing what "good readers" do and look like, and setting a purpose for our reading. Any important information is recorded in the daily 5 (4) section of our notebooks.
Today was the first day we started discussing Working on Writing. We began by brainstorming reasons why we write (think-pair-share activity), then I modeled the strategy of underlining words that are difficult to spell while working independently. We recorded both minilessons in our notebook.
Whew ... I think that about covers it. Right now I'm only left with about 15 minutes at the end of each language block. We've been using that 15 minutes to start our personal memoir writing workshop unit. So far, all is good in the language arts world. My students are really starting to be able to explain the CRAFT strategies, and apply these strategies to their own reading. They are building their stamina during independent reading, and I'm so excited that we've added Work on Writing this week. I'll let you know how it's all coming together next week.
So, this was a long one ... hope you're all having a fabulous "wordy Wednesday"!!!