See's Candy Fudge

First off, I want to wish my sweet husband of 3 1/2 years a happy 32nd birthday! He's such a patient and loving man and I love him dearly. Thanks for putting up with all my crap, Tyson! I love you and happy birthday!!

You all are going to think I've totally lost it. And I probably have, let's be honest. Lately, out of nowhere I've become super excited for the holidays to arrive. Fall is my favorite time of year and my twin sister and I always say that the holidays officially arrive on October 18th (our birthday). Maybe it's the fact that September is just a week away or that Pinterest is crawling with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas ideas...but MAN, I am spazzing out for the holidays! And today's post is total proof of that. When I think of Christmas food I think of fudge. It's my favorite treat to eat during the holidays and I love sampling all different kinds. My wonderful aunt Trina always brings a plate full of various homemade fudge to our family Christmas party and I'm normally the one sampling each flavor. I can't help myself! It's the creamy deliciousness that I can't get enough of. So I decided to go ahead and share a recipe for fudge today. And not just any kind of fudge...See's Candy Fudge. Gahh!!! There's nothing like See's. Sometimes I'll walk in there and pretend like I'm going to buy something just to get a chocolate sample. It's so good!!! And this fudge recipe doesn't disappoint. It's mighty tasty and will be a perfect treat this Christmas. I don't see this making it to any parties though. I'm guessing I'll have the whole batch devoured before I can even think about plating it.

And thank you to Tastebook for the use of the photo!

See's Candy Fudge
This recipe makes 5lb of fudge. Heaven above.
  • 4 1/2 c. sugar
  • 3 (12 oz) packages milk chocolate chips
  • 1/2 lb margarine, melted
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1 (12 oz) can evaporated milk
  • 7 oz marshmallow cream
  • 2 c. nuts

Mix the sugar with the evaporated milk in a saucepan. Heat the mixture to a rolling boil and stir for 7 to 8 minutes.

In a large bowl, mix together chocolate chips, marshmallow cream, and melted margarine. It works best to cream the marshmallow cream and melted margarine together then add the chocolate chips.

Pour the saucepan mixture right over the marshmallow and chocolate mixture when it is done boiling. After all the chocolate chips have melted, add the nuts and vanilla. Pour this fabulous mixture into buttered pans and chill in the fridge. Cut into squares before it firms up. Enjoy!!

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