Brave is getting past your fear of the pool. At 9, your body's so much stronger now, your legs able to carry you far on ground and kick-kick-kick in a pool. Your arms, though, are still too stiff to paddle. I've seen that look of terror on your face when you stumble and go under water, though your dad or I are always right there to grab you and lift you up. But you get a surge of confidence from a new tube...
...and a lift from your sis.
Brave is exploring all the fun a pool has to offer, including dousing your daddy.
Brave is watching your sister go down a slide again and again and getting your nerve up. You wouldn't even go near the slide last year, so wary were you. And now?
Brave is holding your sister's hand and going down together, with Daddy there to catch you at the bottom.
Brave is being bold enough to try it alone. You sit at the top for five minutes, pondering.
Brave is taking the plunge.