New! Laser Cut Bamboo Brooches from Cabin + Cub

I'm excited to show you these new (for summer 2012), Cabin + Cub's Bamboo Tie/Lapel pins and Bamboo Brooches. I picked one up at Got Craft this past May and have been waiting for some good images to show you here on the blog (mine didn't turn out well from the show).  Valerie just sent them over (aren't they adorable)?  The pinecone is my fave. (Also check out the earrings - the fluffy clouds are so adorable.).The Tie/Lapel pins are perfect for Father's Day and upcoming summer weddings. The Bamboo Brooches come in an array of fun styles. All pins are laser cut from bamboo and are super affordable at around $10. A full list of the new bamboo products can be seen here.


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