City of Craft Spring is happening this weekend if you're in the Toronto area. Saturday, April 21, 2012 (11am-6pm) at the Trinity St. Paul's United Church, 427 Bloor St. W.(West of Spadina), Toronto, ON. (Kids 12 & Under FREE). This is a blown up version of the craft and rummage trunk show that goes down periodically at the workroom, with 40+ vendors bringing you the best in local art, craft, design, supplies, rummage, vintage, housewares, children's goods, and more.
Make It, Vancouver, Friday, April 20 (4pm to 9pm),Saturday, April 21 (11am to 6pm) and Sunday, April 22 (11am to 5pm) at The Croatian Cultural Centre, 3250 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, B.C., $5 at the door, (kids under 12 free)