Way not to go, Max!

Max is definitely lacking in one area. This became extremely apparent to me yesterday evening, when I was hanging out with the kids and Sabrina was sharing stuff on her mind. Oversharing, one might say.

"Mommy," said Sabrina, "my eyes don't feel right!"
"Mommy," said Sabrina, "this game is bor-ing! Why are we playing it?"
"Mommy," said Guess Who, "this ice-cream is really cold!"
"Mommy, this book that you ordered for me isn't the same as the one that we took out of the library! The pictures are different!"
"Mommy, I'm too tired to take a bath!"
"Mommy, why can't I find my favorite pajamas?"
"Mommy, why does Max get to stay up later?"

It seems odd that I've never noticed it before. But it's true:

Max isn't yet capable of complaining. 

I'm not quite clear on what developmental stage this would typically occur at. I'm assuming none of those child-rearing books says things like "Age 7: Child learns to put together words in a sentence with correct punctuation. Also, child starts complaining excessively." But for whatever reason, Max doesn't yet have complaining in him. Which is spectacular, because one child with excessive amounts of griping is about all I can take.

Of course, I could create a "Complaint" category in Max's speech app and program in sentences like "I don't own enough purple clothing!" or "You gave Sabrina more ice-cream!" or "My Cars 2 DVD is really worn out!"

But, dang, I'm not crazy.

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