New Book! Art Lab for Kids

I recently received for review a copy of Art Lab for Kids, Susan Schwake's new book which is a treasure trove of creative art making projects for kids from drawing, painting, printmaking, paper and mixed media. Although focused on children's projects the book could easily be translated for any budding artist despite the age. In fact I may be looking into trying a few of these projects myself.

In Art Lab for Kids each lesson is inspired by 36 contemporary artists who are also featured in this book from Lisa Solomon to  Mati Rose McDonough, Amy Rice to Heather Smith Jones.  The inspiration list is impressive and well-thought out.

Photographed by her husband Rainer Schwake, the book is a collection of lessons Susan has used over the past twenty years of teaching. From projects started at her kitchen table with her daughter Grace, when she was three, to when she opened up her first little art school in a rented space at a local church. Years have passed and the classes expanded and Susan moved into a larger studio where it has grown into a full gallery/studio/school and online shop, artstream.
Art Lab for Kids is a fun and easy to use book offering up amazing projects for all ages. Available through .

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