Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix {Review and Giveaway}

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Spring is so close and I love the feeling in the air! It's almost time to get those flower beds ready for planting. Or in my case, the pots on my balcony. Planting flowers is definitely one of the things I miss about living in a house. (One day we'll be in a house again!) In the meantime, I'm excited to brighten up our balcony with all kinds of flowers.

This year I'll be trying out a new product that will really help my plants. It's called Miracle Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ . Made up of natural cocount coir, Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ i's a concentrated planting mix that expands up to 3X when water is added, which results in 3X the flowers and vegetables in comparison to native soil. So really, by buying a small bag of Expand ‘n Gro™ it's like you're actually buying a bag 3X the size because it multiplies when the water is added. It gets all those important nutrients and moisture to the plant roots, holding up to 50% more water than basic potting soil. Ultimately this planting mix feeds for up to 6 months and significantly improves the soil for multiple years. Advertisement

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I plan on using Expand 'n Gro™ solely in my pots this year. I only need to fill each pot a third of the way full then add the water. After mixing it up the soil will expand and fill the pots. If we were living in a house I would use the mix in our flower beds by adding an inch of Expand ‘n Gro™ across the top of the soil already there. Then I would mix the soil and the Expand ‘n Gro™ all together, allowing the mix to be spread throughout the soil before planting the flowers. I'm excited for those big and beautiful flowers! Check out this short demonstration video to see how to use it:


Are you as excited as I am to try Miracle-Gro® Expand ‘n Gro™ Concentrated Planting Mix in your garden and/or pots this year? I hope so! Miracle-Gro® is providing me a sample of this new planting mix to giveaway to one lucky Cupcake Diaries reader. To enter, all you have to do is comment on this post. Please leave an e-mail address so I can contact you if you win. Contest ends March 30th at 11:59 pm MST. A winner will be chosen via random.org.

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