Fun with reading!

Sabrina likes reading to Max at night. It's one part sisterly love, one part show-off because she's very proud of herself for reading so well.

This is a beautiful thing. Except that when I'm reading to Max and getting him to sound out words, Sabrina likes to interject and say them herself: "Stop!" "Green!" "Purple!"

"Sabrina, let your brother read!" I'll say.

"OK," she'll say, sweetly. And then 5 minutes later, she's back again, reading for him.

Mostly, I'm glad they're both loving reading. For a long time, Max didn't seem so interested. Now I'm trying to expand his repertoire. He has a thing for a book called (what else) Max, about a superhero kid and his superhero family.

Another favorite: I'm Your Bus, which follows a bus throughout the day as it cheerfully chants "I'm your bus!" Max is partial to books with "Max" and talking buses. 

A few months ago, he inherited Sabrina's BOB Books, Set 1: Beginning Readers, and has lately gotten into them. They're simply illustrated, with just a few words on each page.

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