Ahhhhh ... Sunday morning. All is good.
I've got a quick little foldable to share with you today from our math journals. We're just finishing up our Measurement unit (we've covered measuring length, metric conversions and perimeter and area of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms). Our test is on Monday, so we spent Thursday and Friday in review.
We made a 4-corner foldable to review the formulas for the area and perimeter of the different shapes we learned. (It was actually quite funny because as I started folding the paper under the Elmo, the kids got excited and asked if we were doing another cootie catcher ... they know me so well). Anyhow, it wasn't a cootie catcher (this time), but it was good for review. On the inside of each flap we found the area and perimeter of each shape (the students had to measure the dimensions of the shape they drew on the outside of each flap).
That's about it ... I'm planning on breaking the "no more than one post per day" rule today, but I've got to get a few things (ok - more than a few things) done first ... stay tuned ...
Happy Sunday!!!