I came across this rather pretty idea recently from the January issue of Marie Claire Idees Magazine. Chalkboards, but rather than drawing on them with chalk; these have permanent painted motifs and numbers. Maybe nice for an address number outside your front door, or for decor inside?
How to: Find some wood you would like to use - and paint it using chalkboard paint, let dry. Then using the motifs shown here, they enlarged them on a copier to the desired size and then using a white carbon; (I found instructions on how to make your own here), they transferred the image onto the surface and then painted over the image with a fine paintbrush and white paint. But I'm thinking you could also enlarge using a copier to the desired size onto acetate (some copiers will take an acetate in the side feeder) - if not, follow instructions from this video here, and then cut out the design using an exacto knife, creating a stencil - and then painting it that way. Whatever the case, inspiration for the weekend. Have a nice one! (Photo by Louis Gaillard; Idea by Celeste Bouchayer for Marie Claire Idees Magazine).
How to: Find some wood you would like to use - and paint it using chalkboard paint, let dry. Then using the motifs shown here, they enlarged them on a copier to the desired size and then using a white carbon; (I found instructions on how to make your own here), they transferred the image onto the surface and then painted over the image with a fine paintbrush and white paint. But I'm thinking you could also enlarge using a copier to the desired size onto acetate (some copiers will take an acetate in the side feeder) - if not, follow instructions from this video here, and then cut out the design using an exacto knife, creating a stencil - and then painting it that way. Whatever the case, inspiration for the weekend. Have a nice one! (Photo by Louis Gaillard; Idea by Celeste Bouchayer for Marie Claire Idees Magazine).