I cried in the car three times the other day. I was on an hour and a half drive, I had the radio tuned to a station that was only playing holiday songs, and "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" kept playing because practically every singer has done a rendition of it, except The Wiggles.
The line "Through the years we all will be together, if the fates allow" is the one that got to me. I thought of my dad, and it made my heart ache. It felt worse if it was the Karen Carpenter version of the song, because she's already tragic to start with, you know?
Then Same Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg came on and the DJ remarked, "This song always inspires me because it gives me hope for the new year" and I was all, Are you KIDDING me, because this is perhaps one of the saddest songs ever. And again, the tears flowed. How can you listen to this song and not get emotional? Or suddenly feel kind of old? Or maybe that's just me.
The song that's saddest of all to me is Norah Jones' Come Away With Me. Max was born the year her debut CD came out, and it was what I listened to in the car when I drove Max to doctor and therapy appointments. I get totally emotional when I hear that song because it brings me back to that sad and anxious time in my life. Yes, I wanted to come away. So badly.
Is there a song that makes you all weepy?