As you read this we have hopefully made it through a day of plane travel to Park City, Utah. Dave was a little worried about my announcing our trip in public but if you are a person with ill intentions, please be aware that we have trained watch-frogs in our home who will croak furiously at intruders.
We're staying at the Lodges at Deer Valley; the place looks so rustic-gorgeous in the photos. Max loves going to big hotels, and he made sure to pack his Cars 2 pillowcase and sheets. Sabrina is psyched for ski school and drinking an obscene amount of hot chocolate. I'm particularly psyched about the National Ability Center, which offers adapted sports to people with disabilities—water sports, sled hockey, archery, cycling, horseback riding, skiing, indoor wall climbing and snowboarding. Max is going to try adaptive skiing. He hasn't taken to it in years past; whenever I've announced "Max, you're going to go skiing!" in the past few weeks, he's shaken his head furiously and said "Nooooooo!" So, we'll see how it goes.
Some of you may recall that I partially tore my ACL two years ago (and how sexy my knee looks in x-rays). I borrowed a brace from a neighbor and I'm going to get out there again. Wish me luck! Otherwise, I will be more than happy to sit around the lodge on my butt. I have a real talent for that.
Next week, I am featuring a series called This Is How I Do It. Awesome bloggers who have kids with special needs are going to share how they juggle it all (and still stay sane). Not a bad thing to read when you have the kids home with you all week!
Happy Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa and Merry Christmas to all of you. Hope you are doing fun stuff with your family.