December - My Favourite Month

Oh my goodness - how is it possible it's December already?  Not that I'm complaining - December is my all-time favourite month!  I don't even mind the snow in December (however, I'm not a fan of it any other month).  To bring in December properly, I've got a FANTASTIC resource for you!  Rachel, from Minds in Bloom, has put together an amazing Holiday ebook containing tips and free resources from 50 TeachersPayTeachers authors (myself included).  Each page is created by a different seller and contains a holiday tip and a link (clickable through the pdf) for at least one freebie.  Click on the picture to the right to download your own copy.  You're going to want to tell your friends about this one!!!

Let the December activities begin ... my girls were so excited to open their advent calendars today!  And I kept that excitement going at school with my SMARTboard Advent Calendar.  Today was a VERY busy (but very good) day, so I picked a short anagram activity, and my kids LOVED it!  I have to admit, I was SHOCKED that three of my students (grade 6!!!) couldn't spell Christmas - I told them they better practice it, because Santa won't come to their house if they can't spell Christmas ;)

Click on the picture to the left for a preview of this activity.

After school my girls and I worked on a cute little Christmas craft while the hubby was out shopping.  LOVE our little snowmen - so cute - and it was a great little impromptu craft as we already had all the supplies in our craft bucket at home.

I've pinned so many fun Christmas craft ideas, I can't wait to make some of them with my girls ... I'm going to try to make each weekend before Christmas ... I miss my pinterest inspired crafts from the summer ... :)

Happy Thursday - and Happy December!!!

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