2012 Resolutions and a New Year's Freebie

And the parties keep coming ... I'm linking up to Mor's 2012 Resolutions Party over at A Teacher's Treasure.  I'm never very good at keeping my resolutions, so maybe my resolution should be to keep my resolutions ... does that count as one???  Mor's going to try to keep us accountable for our resolutions, so that should help, right?

So, here goes...


  • I think I mentioned this one before - I MUST try to keep the piles off my desk - I swear I could lose a student in some of my piles.  I WILL clean off my desk at least once a week (probably during independent reading time on Fridays).
  • I will try to mark and return completed work in a more timely fashion.  I start off so well at the beginning of the year, and then ... well, you know the story.  I must use my prep time better to get through the work (good thing I moved my coffee maker into my room - less trips to the staff room may help me with this resolution).
  • I will keep learning new ways to incorporate foldables into my math journals.  In September we started out with 2 or 3 entries a week, but in the last month or so, we've been lucky to get one in every two weeks.  I know things get busy, but the kids (and I) really enjoy them, so I must stick to a stricter schedule.  Maybe I can make a foldable schedule ;).
  • Remain positive.  Instead of griping about the seemingly impossible amount of things administrators want us to incorporate into our classroom programs, I need to remember the things that I am doing well.  It's OK to give myself a pat on the back once in a while, instead of stressing about the things I should (could?) be doing better.
  • I am embarrassed to admit I'm often told, "I don't know how you do it all!".  To which I always respond, I don't do it all - not even close.  I do seem to have a little more time than others because ...  I am a TERRIBLE housekeeper.  AND.I.MEAN.TERRIBLE.  You know that show, Hoarders?  Well, it's not that bad yet, but I worry it might come to it.  I MUST find some sort of way to start organizing more in my house.  I know I have to start small so that I actually stick with it.  I'm thinking a 15 minute timer, with all 5 of us in the house cleaning for that time, might be a start.
  • I want to become a healthier ME!  Not just losing weight (although I'd like to lose about 40 pounds), but I also need to strengthen my core.  My back has been a huge issue the past two years, and I'd like that to be part of my past.  I've done pilates in the past and really enjoyed it, so I might start there.
  • Cook more through the week.  Lately we've become take-out junkies (which I hate for my kids).  But I get home so late, it seems an impossible task to cook dinner.  I want to start planning better and using my slowcooker more - I've pinned so many great recipes, it's time to put some of them to the test.

Whew ... uh oh ... I'm feeling a little overwhelmed ... but I can do it - I HATE backing down from a challenge.

Secondary Solutions

Speaking of New Year's Resolutions, Kristen over at Secondary Solutions has made it her New Year's Resolution to bring more awareness to middle school and high school blogs.  She is obviously one who gets started on her resolutions immediately, as she has already started a blog party.  Go on over and take a peek.  Link up your blog, or find some new blogs to follow.  Enjoy!!!

Lastly, I've got a freebie for those of you with SMARTboards.  This is a fun New Year's Resolution activity I created for my students last year.  It is a koosh ball activity (but we've used bean bags, beanie babies, basically anything that won't damage the board) full of questions for students about their resolutions.  It's a great first day back activity.  Just click on the image to download it from my TpT store.  

Happy Friday!  (I think ... isn't it great how you can lose track of the days of the week during holidays???)

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