So, here goes...
- I think I mentioned this one before - I MUST try to keep the piles off my desk - I swear I could lose a student in some of my piles. I WILL clean off my desk at least once a week (probably during independent reading time on Fridays).
- I will try to mark and return completed work in a more timely fashion. I start off so well at the beginning of the year, and then ... well, you know the story. I must use my prep time better to get through the work (good thing I moved my coffee maker into my room - less trips to the staff room may help me with this resolution).
- I will keep learning new ways to incorporate foldables into my math journals. In September we started out with 2 or 3 entries a week, but in the last month or so, we've been lucky to get one in every two weeks. I know things get busy, but the kids (and I) really enjoy them, so I must stick to a stricter schedule. Maybe I can make a foldable schedule ;).
- Remain positive. Instead of griping about the seemingly impossible amount of things administrators want us to incorporate into our classroom programs, I need to remember the things that I am doing well. It's OK to give myself a pat on the back once in a while, instead of stressing about the things I should (could?) be doing better.
- I am embarrassed to admit I'm often told, "I don't know how you do it all!". To which I always respond, I don't do it all - not even close. I do seem to have a little more time than others because ... I am a TERRIBLE housekeeper. AND.I.MEAN.TERRIBLE. You know that show, Hoarders? Well, it's not that bad yet, but I worry it might come to it. I MUST find some sort of way to start organizing more in my house. I know I have to start small so that I actually stick with it. I'm thinking a 15 minute timer, with all 5 of us in the house cleaning for that time, might be a start.
- I want to become a healthier ME! Not just losing weight (although I'd like to lose about 40 pounds), but I also need to strengthen my core. My back has been a huge issue the past two years, and I'd like that to be part of my past. I've done pilates in the past and really enjoyed it, so I might start there.
- Cook more through the week. Lately we've become take-out junkies (which I hate for my kids). But I get home so late, it seems an impossible task to cook dinner. I want to start planning better and using my slowcooker more - I've pinned so many great recipes, it's time to put some of them to the test.
Whew ... uh oh ... I'm feeling a little overwhelmed ... but I can do it - I HATE backing down from a challenge.